With Script Gym, you’ll get your writing and your body into the best shape of your life - in just thirty days.

Our innovative, intensive program incorporates both the creative and the physical, utilizing exercise techniques to spur the imagination, creativity and writing process.

As the digital age continues to dominate our lives, we find ourselves increasingly tethered to our screens, leaving little room for physical exercise and creative stimulation. However, a profound connection exists between physical activity and creativity, more specifically in the art of writing. By incorporating regular exercise into our routines, ScriptGym unlocks a world of inspiration and boosts your writing abilities in remarkable ways.

ScriptGym is about helping you to find the balance between your physical and creative selves and maximize the time and effort you have to accomplish your goals. Wherever you’re at in your process, ScriptGym will help you get where you want to go.

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Why ScriptGym?

As a screenwriter and a former personal trainer, I try to hold myself to both writing and working out every day, both of which, independently, can be a difficult task to uphold.

It was only when I saw the connection between the two that both became more purposeful and symbiotic.

I created ScriptGym to help others like myself who wanted to get their writing, their bodies, and their lives into the best shape possible.

- Robert Naturman


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